Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well, It's not exactly The Garden of Eden.

No, my garden is not perfect, or even close to it. It has been abandoned for a little over a year, but the weeds have not abandoned it. Hardly, it is so overgrown with grass and weeds, I barely know where to start. So, I broke out the weedkiller and the tiny garden claw and starting ripping out a bunch of the grass and weeds. I had to wait til evening, otherwise the heat and humidity is too consuming. I weeded for about 30 minutes, then I was exhausted. Left the rest for another day. I know 30 minutes doesn't sound like a lot of time to spend it the garden, but then again, weeding isn't exactly the kind of gardening I like to do. It is necessary though, before I can move on to the next phase, the planting of the beautiful flowers.

I feel like I need to pat myself on the back for this little bit of effort. For it is a task that I have been putting off for over a month. Since gardening is a hobby I enjoy greatly, it's about time I started doing something good for myself. Even if it is just a baby step in the right direction. Good job, Sharon. Do even more tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Sharon, I have a garden also but it is a vegetable garden it is new but coming along. I know what you mean about the weeds they are a pain in the butt. Hope you get your garden back in shape and looking good

