I've been back at work for almost 2 months now. It's very busy work and I am exhausted by the end of the day, but it keeps my mind occupied. Everyone was right. I don't feel so depressed anymore now that I am working again.
It's nice to have money again, but I was stupid enough to let Joe use my Visa check card. Big mistake! He took $700!!! When will I ever learn?
I haven't seen a pdoc in over 2 months now. I missed an appointment last month and when I called to reschedule, they told me that due to my noncompliance I need to find a new doctor. Nice!! I am sooo tempted to just stop taking my meds again, but that didn't work out so well when I did that in February. I convinced my primary doctor to give me enough meds until I can find a new pdoc.
I haven't really been online much these last 2 months either. I haven't missed much, I have wasted way too much time on the Internet. I am glad I started this blog, however. It's been a great outlet. Until next time, life goes on.
turn, turn, turn
Thanks for all who commented and supported on my last post.
I'm out of hospital after three weeks, and things are worse, if anything.
No meds except Valiu...
12 years ago
Happy you feel better. However I did miss you around here and was wondering what has become of you. Therefore I am even more glad you are doing ok. Hugs to you